
Kanye West accused of praising Hitler in new lawsuit | The Express Tribune

A new lawsuit filed in California on Tuesday has brought forth startling allegations against controversial rapper Kanye West, accusing him of repeatedly harassing Black employees and praising Adolf Hitler as an “innovator”.

According to AFP, the lawsuit, filed by former employee Trevor Phillips, details instances of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation allegedly inflicted upon him by West, also known as Ye. Phillips, who worked for two of West’s ventures for nearly a year, claims to have witnessed the rapper’s disturbing behaviour firsthand.

According to the lawsuit, West would allegedly berate Black employees while showing favouritism toward white counterparts. Phillips asserts that West made derogatory remarks about Jewish people, claiming they were persecuting him and stealing his money.

Moreover, the lawsuit alleges that the 46-year-old praised Hitler during a dinner at an upscale Los Angeles restaurant, crediting him with the invention of cars, a claim widely refuted by historical facts.

Phillips has also accused West of once instructing two children at the Donda Academy, a school West founded, to shave their heads as well as threatening to lock them in cages. Additionally, West purportedly enforced strict physical appearance standards among his staff, stating that no one could be overweight or they would face termination.

Phillips, who ceased working for West’s ventures in August 2023, is seeking $35,000 in compensation for the damages he claims to have suffered. His lawyer, Carney R. Shegerian, emphasised the importance of addressing discrimination and anti-Semitism, stating that such messages have no place in society.

This lawsuit comes after West’s public apology to Jewish people last year for previous anti-Semitic remarks. The rapper, who has openly discussed his mental health struggles, received support from his former partner, celebrity entrepreneur Kim Kardashian, who called for understanding as he deals with his issues.

As this legal battle unfolds, it casts a shadow over West’s career and raises questions about accountability in the entertainment industry.

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